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  • Nepal

    Nepal is a country of highly diverse & rich geography, culture and religions.

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    India, a journey into mysticism through the land of the unexpected.

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    Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon - one of the most travel destinations today.

  • Tibet: wonderful part of the trip is to see the different faces of the Himalaya range.

  • China is forever linked to its ancient civilization, friendly people and most revered treasures.

Nepal Trekking


Photo GalleryThe best way to experience Nepal's unbeatable combination of natural beauty and cultural riches is to walk through them.either way you are in for an experience for a lifetime.along with dence and beautiful forest of rhododendorn, isolated hamlets, and small mountain villages, birds, animal, temples, monasteries and breathtaking landscapes. Trekking is possible througout the year it depends on where you are going.


You can choose staying in tea house or camping.a tea-house is a guest house run by local popular destination like annapurna reigion Langtang and everest region tea house are more like hotels, with western food and clean room with hot shower. tea house are less expensive than camping, mostely it is suitable for small groups, with large groups, irrespective of the area, its more convinent to organized camping along with the team of guides, cooks sherpa and porters to make your trek comfort.


Ams holidays offers major trekking trail

Nepal Trekking » Annapurna Region


The Annapurna region lies towards the north of central nepal.the region has been recognized as the world's best trekking trails and also known as trekkers paradise.the highlights of this region are Annapurna peaks,mt.dhaulagiri, the most popular and beautiful mountain fishtail (machapuchra),river kali gandaki and several others peaks.gateway to annapurna trekking region is the famous city of pokhara.the most prominent ethnic groups of Annapurna region are gurung,thakali and manangba.animals found here are pika,blue sheep and Himalayan tahr and vegetation ranges from tropical species to temperate forests of oak,beech and rhododendorn.


The popular trekking trails of this region are Jomsom,annapurna circuit ,annapurna base camp,annapurna foothills and around pokhara.the best time to visit is during spring and autumn.unlike other parts of nepal,even the monsoon months are ideal to visit upper mustang that falls in the rain shadow area.most trekking routes in the annapurna region are well serviced by teahouses (guest house run by local peoplewith western food and hot shower)


Annapurna Round

Total Trip Duration (18 Nights/19 Days)

Highest Altitude:  5416m
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Annapurna Circuit

Total Trip Duration (20 Nights/21 Days)

Highest Altitude:  5416m
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Annapurna Classic

Total Trip Duration( 12 Nights/13 Days)

Highest Altitude:  3195m
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Annapurna Base Camp

Total Trip Duration (12 nights/13 Days)

Highest Altitude:  4170m
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Thorang La Pass

Total Trip Duration (15 Nights/16 Days)

Highest Altitude:  5416m
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Muknith Trek

Total Trip Duration (13 Nights\14Days)

Highest Altitude: 3800m
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Muktinath Trek (Fly In Fly Out)

Total Trip Duration (11 Nights\12Days)
Highest Altitude: 3760m
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Nepal Trekking » Everest Region


Namche Bazaar,the name of Namche bazaar is generally associated with that of sagarmatha(mt.everest),the highest peak in the is the entrance to the everest region. Situated on the lap of khumbu himal range Namache bazaar is about 241 kilometer from kathmandu and the distance is generally covered within 15 days by trekking.This place is the home of legendary sherpa,who have won international renown as the most strong climbers with indomitable will to scale the can fly from kathmandu to Lukla and syangboche in the everest Lukla comfortable accommodation are in sherpa huts and hotel.lukla is the the most popular base for trekking in the khumbu region.


This classic trek winds upward among the highest mountain on earth.spectacular mountain scenes are the rewards of your high altitude trek.The ultimate everest trek,you will get as close to Everest as possible without climbing the mountain itself.

Everest View Trek

Total trip Duration 10 nights/ 11 Days
Highest Elevation: 3867meters
Season: March to June &September to December Read More


Gokyo Kalapatthar Trek

Total trip Duration 19 nights/ 20 Days
Highest Elevatio: 5545meters
Season: March to June &September to December Read More


Everest Base Camp Trek

Total trip Duration 16 Nights/ 17 Days
Highest Elevation: 5130meters
Season: March to June &September to December

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Nepal Trekking » Langtang Region


Langtang area,is towards the north of kathmandu Valley.the scenery here is spectacular,and the trek more adventurous as the area is visited by fewer the west of langtang is Ganesh himal with a range of 6,000to7,000 meters.the main ethnic groups living here are Sherpas and Tamangs.the forest in the region have temperate and sub-alpine vegetation.wildlife include migratory birds,deer,monkey,Tahr and pika.most of the trekking routes in Helambu and langtang are well served with teahousethe best time for trekking in this region is spring and autumn.

Langtang Trek

Total trip Duration 08 nights/09 Days
Highest altitude:  3870m
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Langtang- Gosainkunda Trek

Total trip Duration 14 nights/16 Days
Highest altitude:  4600m
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Gosainkunda Trek

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Nepal Trekking » Kanchenjunga Region

Kanchenjungha, the third highest peak in the world lies on the eastern border of Nepal with India. The trek provides you to experience the remoteness of this region, romantic mountain views, diverse flora and fauna and rich local culture. Kanchenjunga Region View in Nepal is rather different from the rest of the country. . In the shadow of the world's third-highest mountain lives a typically Nepali mix of people - Chhetri, Bahun, Gurung, Newar, Sherpa; there are all ethnicities here, but the indigenous Rai and Limbu people have distinct ways, clothing, appearance, language, food and drink. As the trek is designed for camping arrangement, everything is handled by our team of porters, sherpas and cooks who carry the equipment, A trek around this enormous mountain is a chance to experience a wide range of people, flora, and fauna. One of the least visited of all major mountain areas of Nepal,As the trek is designed for camping arrangement, everything is handled by our team of porters, sherpas and cooks who carry the equipment, assemble and dissemble the camp and have hot meals waiting for you at every food break.

Kanchenjunga North And South Base Camp

Total trip Duration 28 days/27nights
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Kanchenjunga South Base Camp

Total trip Duration 23 Days
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Nepal Trekking » Upper Mustang

Lo Manthang is the ancient kingdom of Mustang was attached to Tibet in the 14th century, although it retained its identity as an autonomous dynasty throughout the centuries - is a walled city with their own King and to trek in Upper Mustang is a rare privilege. Here you will experience the way of life of true mountain people, who have been cut off from the rest of Nepal for years and even until recent times had an officially recognized king. In many ways, a trek into Upper Mustang is similar to trekking in Tibet; the district of Mustang was, until 1950, a separate kingdom within the boundaries of Nepal. Upper Mustang was opened to non-Nepali trekkers only some fifteen years ago and even today, access is still highly restricted. Upper Mustang, being in the Himalayan rain shadow, is one of the regions in the country that are suitable for trekking during the monsoons. During this time, the upper Kali Gandaki valley is still quite dry with only occasional rainfall. There are few accommodation facilities available above Kagbeni, so groups must be fully self-sufficient, especially in fuel. The people still remain predominantly Tibetan. Still somewhat restricted (special permits are required) the trek to Lo Manthang (3840 m) refers to the arid Tibet-like region at the northern end of Kali Gandaki. Kagbeni is the gateway to the ancient Kingdom of Mustang - the capital Lo Manthang the Mustang Trek requires a minimum of 9 days, starting and ending in Kagbeni. This allows the trek to be completed within the ten-day period that the permit allows. Lo Manthang, the old capital, is reached in four days and at least one extra day should be spent here to catch the sights and sound of this unique walled settlement. Ponies are available for hired if you so desire.


Upper Mustang Trek
Duration (16Days 15 Nights)
Highest Altitude: 3840m


Day 1: Kathmandu

Arrival Kathmandu transfer to hotel, Overnight.

Day 2: Kathmandu

Morning after breakfast explore Kathmandu the capital city of Nepal we will visit special places like Pashupatinath at the bank of holy Baghmati River is the important Hindu temple. The Bodhnath is the biggest Buddhist Stupa and the most beautiful in the world about 500 years old. At the afternoon visit Hunmandhoka palace (Kathmandu durbar sq.)Is the residence of the living goddess called kumara, numerous interesting temples, Kasthmandap (house of wood) Overnight Kathmandu.

Day 3:- Kathmandu-Pokhara
Morning after breakfast drive to Pokhera 200 kms. Drive through an exotic landscape and terraced hillside on the way we will pass Trisuli River, the most popular rafting river in the country. Pokhera is one of the best tourist destinations in Nepal. The city is also known as Lake City. you also have a splendid view at the peaks of the Annapurna range include the holy mountain Machhapuchhare(fishtail) it is also a gate way for some of the famous trekking trail we have. Overnight Pokhara

Day 4:- Fly from Pokhara to Jomsom and walk to Kagbeni.
Morning take a flight to jomsom.While afternoon winds stops flights into or out of Jomsom. Mostly all flights are operated early morning before the wind starts, 15-20 min flight will take you to jomsom.we walk to kagagbeni. From Jomsom trek continues. Through the bank of Kaligandaki and reach to Ekley- bhatti villages. Trek one hour more to reach Kagbeni. This lies at the bank of two rivers. Kagbeni is the most interesting typical Tibetan village and the entry point of the upper Mustang overnight kagabeni.

Day 5:- Kagbeni to Chele.
When we get up at most villagers are already up. Because of the heavy wind that blows dust and sand around from late morning until afternoon starting early is a good idea. We take the west route, which means following the river on its eastern bank ‘till we reach the end of the broad valley. There we will cross the Kali Gandaki The scenery is amazing, Thousands of years of erosion have formed the landscape; rock formations in fantastic forms and colours will be our companion during the whole trip.The wind sets in just before we reach our lunch spot in Tangbe, a nice village.from here we can already see the camp site, The trail slowly descends to the riverbed, from here on it’s a easy walk to chele A bridge crosses the Kali Gandaki Chele looks like the last village before a huge, impassable barrier after which comes nothing than a hostile wilderness.overnight chele

Day 6:- Chele to Geling
The daily routine is almost the same each day: we get up at six, clear out our tent and wash before breakfast at seven, by eight we’re ready to leave. From Chele the trail climbs up to the Chele La (3630m) (pass). After crossing the ridge from Chele La the trail enters a large sided valley and descends to Samar After lunch at Samar we have to cross a 'sidevalley', sounds idyllic but always turns into a hard walk. It means going from the top all the way down to the bottom, crossing a creek and then walking all the way up on the other side. Where you will have views of the distant Annapurna Himal dominated by Nil Giri. The trail climbs up to the Bhena La and to Bhena .Climbing to another pass, the Yamdo La, you will descend steeply following a ridge to Shyangmochen (3800m) The trail goes through a forest of small trees and green bushes in the narrowing gorge. From Shyangmochen you descend to the picturesque village of Geling, spend some time here soaking up the village atmosphere. Overnight Geling.

Day 7:- Geling to Charang.
Turning west from Geling, climbing gently throughA terraced valley with groups of yellow trees lies. Above the village of Gelung stand two red gompas further. Unlike other villages where the houses are built close to each other and give the impression of a fortress passing below Tama Gaon and turning north you will reach Nyi La. The path is slowly going down towards the last pass for today, Gemi La. a large village built high above the river, surrounded by.many fields busy with the activity of the local people working this arid landscape. From Ghemi the trail first descends and then climbs a rocky path to Choya la (3870m). Making a gentle descent the trail reaches to Chharang. Overnight Chharang.

Day 8:- Charang to Lo Manthang (3840m)
The trail descends from Charang, crosses the Charang Chu and climbs steeply up a rocky trail, then enters the Tholung valley. The trail turns north and climbs gently to a large isolated chorten, then crosses a stream and reaches the LoLa (3950m) The trail then broadens and eventually we get our first view of the walled city of Lo Manthang. The city has only one entrance so we circumambulate the wall to the gate on the north-east corner where you will see the school, health post, and police check post and several important chortens. cross a stream then climb up into the plateau of Lo- Manthang Overnight Lo Manthang.

Day 9:- Lo Mantang to Ghami.
Your return journey from Lo-Manthang-Ghami., we trek back mostly down hill to Ghami. Visit Lo-Geker Gompa on the way, which is one of the oldest Gompas in Nepal.It is older than the famed Samye Gompa in Tibet Then crosses a ridge after a little climbing and drops down steeply to Thamar village. The trail descends along the side of the stone walls and fields of extensive villages, and then climbs to a ridge. It is a short descent to Ghami.overnight Ghami.

Day 10:- Ghami to Samar.
Leaving Ghami you begin to follow narrow winding path until you reach Geling crossing a small stream. On the way you can enjoy good view of the Nilgiri Mountains, deserted landscapes, Tibetan style villages, farming terraces and natural vegetation. Samar is a small village with terraces, Tibetan style houses, mani walls, monastery, prayer flags and here you find people following Tibetan life styles and traditions.Stay overnight Samar.

Day 11:- Samar to Kagbeni.
Trek from Samar to Kagbeni takes about 6 to 7 hours. Following a descending path you reach Chuksang crossing a suspension bridge over Kali Gandaki. walk along the bank of Kali Gandaki with views of natural vegetation, apple orchards and there is a chance to find fossils. overnight at camp in Kagbeni.

Day 12:- Kagbeni to Jomsom.
Today will be last day of our trekking early morning we will descents to Kagbeni at 2810mt; it's worth making the side trip to the mediaeval-looking village a very Tibetan influenced settlement. a walk through bank of Kaligandaki river and facing a strong wind will take you to Jomsom at 2713mt Jomsom is the major centre in the region which offers the facility like some of the modern town offers. Overnight Jomsom.

Day 13:- Fly Jomsom / Pokhara.
While the winds stops flights into or out of Jomsom. Mostly all flights are operated early morning before the wind starts, 15-20 min flight will take you to Pokhara.arrival pokhara check in hotel afternoon sightseeing Pokhara visit David's fall Tibetan refugee camp evening one hour boating at Phewa Lake. Overnight pokhara

Day 14:- Pokhera -Kathmandu
After breakfast drive to Kathmandu 200 kms. (5hrs drive) Drive through an exotic landscape and terraced hillside on the way we will pass Trisuli River, the most popular rafting river in the country arrive Kathmandu check in hotel Overnight Kathmandu.

Day 15:- Kathmandu
After breakfast visit Swayambhunath (monkey temple) a Stupa overlooking 80 Mt. above the city for Buddhist as well Hindu this is a very holy place. Visit Patan another historical place surrounded by many beautiful temple Patan is only separated by Baghmati river from Kathmandu second largest town in valley afternoon free stay. Evening visit Nepali family house farewell dinner at Nepales lockel people house. (Dal Bhat Traditional food) Overnight Kathmandu.

Day 16:- Departure
After breakfast transfer Airport far International Departures

Nepal Trekking » Dolpa

Dolpa region is distant region of Nepal and the central point of this area is Shey Phoksumdo National Park. The Dolpa district is located in the trans-Himalayan area of Nepal and borders Mustang on the east, Myagdi, Rukum and Jajarkot in the south and Jumla and Mugu districts on the west, and the Tibet region of China on the North Dolpa is surrounded by the Dhaulagiri and Churen Himal ranges district and is one of the most remote and least exposed areas of Nepal. Trekking to Lower Dolpa offers you the remarkable and breathtaking experience of lifetime. The notable figures seen here are snowy peaks, ancient and remote villages, rich wildlife, lovely Buddhist monasteries and wonderful lakes. The people of this area are simple and warm-hearted with enthralling culture and traditions. The cultural traditions of this area are basically linked with Tibetan.

These unexplored, high altitude valleys were not opened until 1989. Isolated by the difficult topography, the people in this region have preserved their lifestyle, remaining almost untouched by the trappings of modern society. Trekking into Dolpa presents an exposure to the high & remote Himalayan valleys, resembling the Tibetan highlands. The main highlight of Dolpa trekking includes “Shey Phoksundo National Park” which is one of the major National Parks of Nepal. “Shey Phoksundo Lake” is another famous factor of this region. The lake is totally free of aquatic life, which the crystal waters clearly explain. Surrounded by rocka, forests, and snow-capped peaks, the area has been described as one of the World's “Natural Hidden.. During this wonderful trek you can visit several unique monasteries (gompas) like Shey Gompa (The Crystal Monastery) which is an important pilgrimage site for Tibetans. A special permit is issued for treks in this region and trekkers should be physically fit as there are long and strenuous stretches en route. This is the most popular trek in western Nepal. This region is also well known for rare Himalayan herbs.


Dolpa trek
Duration (18 Days 16 Nights)
Highest altitude: 4500m


Day 1: Kathmandu-Nepalgung

Fly from Kathmandu to Nepalgunj Nepalganj is in the Terai, the plains land bordering India you can also be near Nepal india border its just 10 minute riskhawa ride.nepalguing is the center town for far western people.

Day 2: Nepal- Dunai

Another short flight from Nepalgunj to Juphal for the journey into the mountain region of Juphal. On landing, note the stark contrast to this Himalayan region and the plains from where we just came. Here we will meet our trekking team, your guide will arrange local porters and finalize permit formalities while you get adjusted to your new surroundings and altitude.
And Trek to Dunai and overnight dunai.

Day 03:- Trekking from Dunai to Tarakot and overnight Tarkot.
Day 04:- Tarkot to Tharpa Khola
Day 05:- Tharpa Khola to Tharpa Khola II
Day 06:- Tharpa Khola II to Dho
Day 07:- Rest day at Dho for acclimatization and explre around Dho
Day 08:- Dho to Numala Base Camp
Day 09:- Numala Base Camp to Bagala Base Camp
Day 10:- Bagala Base Camp to Yak Kharka
Day 11:- Yak Kharka to Phoksundo Lake
Day 12:- Rest day at Phoksundo Lake for acclimatization Explore around Phoksundo lake
Day 13:- Phoksundo Lake to Sali Gad and then to chepka overnight at Camp
Day 14:- Trekking from chepka to Dunai
Day 15:- Dunai to Juphal
Day 16:- Fly from Juphal to Nepalgunj and then to Kathmandu
Day 17:- Kathmandu
After breakfast visit Swayambhunath (monkey temple) a Stupa overlooking 80 Mt. above the city for Buddhist as well Hindu this is a very holy place. Visit Patan another historical place surrounded by many beautiful temple Patan is only separated by Baghmati river from Kathmandu second largest town in valley afternoon free stay. Evening visit Nepali family house farewell dinner at Nepales lockel people house. (Dal Bhat Traditional food) Overnight Kathmandu.

Day 18:- Departure
After breakfast transfer Airport far International Departures
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